Interactive Dialogue Formats

In order for an organization to be highly effective, it needs collective intelligence, i.e. the clever combination of different skills, experiences and perspectives. In everyday working life, however, intensive interdisciplinary and cross-hierarchical exchange, learning and cooperation can quickly fall out of focus. It therefore makes sense to consciously make space for participative dialog formats from time to time. Depending on the intention, different formats may make sense.



Open Space, an interactive large group method, is characterized by openness in terms of content and invites participants to share perspectives and learn from each other.


The Circle Way, a focused discussion format in a circle, makes it possible to delve deeper into an important issue together and find new answers.


The Dyad Conversation, a structured discussion format for two, is helpful for many things, including mutual understanding, getting to know each other better, finding solutions, gaining insight into one's own motives and strengthening listening skills.


The formats can stand alone or be integrated as elements of a workshop.


 Do you want to use the power of dialogue formats to increase your effectiveness?

I would be happy to design and facilitate your individual dialog format according to your needs. Please get in touch with me.